Saturday, January 05, 2008

Well it's a new year (FINALLY) and I'm feeling SOOOOO psyched, energetic and purpose driven. I have a very optimistic & positive outlook for the year and I'm going to try my best to achieve many of my personal and professional goals.
One of my main goals this year is to re-open my photography studio. However after speaking with a good friend about that posibility, I've realized that opening more of a "media" studio is a better bet - a studio where I can create and produce not just still photography but video and graphics and multimedia content.
Another one of my goals is to get completely out of debt and I'm on my way to completing that goal very soon.
I also want to re-enroll in school - I think online classes to start will be my best bet.
Another one of my goals is to further my RED T-Back project ( ) - I will be taking the show from audio only to video this month - that should be exciting. I video taped the last broadcast.

ONe of my personal development goals this year (and the last goal I'll write about tonight) is to make an active effort to help people I'm close to when I know they're in trouble. I know that I can't control anyone and believe me, I don't want to, but I do think that God put me on earth to do a bit more than just help myself.