As of current, there is a solid link between a company called Mallcom Inc (a company owned by Jerry Aharony which runs the website ) and the PornWikiLeaks project.
Below is a video broadcast of about the situation.
For a few months as of current, the Pornwikileaks website has had banners prominently displayed on the front page and throughout the website linking to - Click here for further information I put together about this on May 12, 2011.
Myself and several others have notified Mallcom Inc. of this situation and it wasn't until I made the above broadcast of Monica At Home that a public response was made via a woman named "Kelli" who runs - click here to read the response on
According to on May 24, 2011 (click here to read the post), Mallcom terminated the PornWikiLeaks affiliate account - however the banners and links to Mallcom's primary website are STILL in place and active on the Pornwikileaks website.
On June 8th, 2011 I received a comment on the above youtube video (click here to see it) from a youtube account called "Pornstarville" which I'd have to assume is an account of Mallcom Inc (they hosted an adult industry event called Pornstarville in 2008 as reported by threatening to sue me for reporting my findings in regards to this issue.
Then June 15th, 2011 "Kelli" posted on (click here to see it - look at comments #10) that Jerry Aharony / Mallcom Inc. was "unaware" that the banners are still in place and functional on the pornwikileaks website (these banners are driving a vast amount of traffic to their site ).
According to "Kelli" the Pornwikileaks affiliate account only made $23.00 - Yes times have changed but according to an article on xbiz here:
the conversions (sales ratios) for some Mallcom affiliates were 1:150
"Officially" Mallcom Inc has terminated the affiliate account with Pornwikileaks , but I feel the company COULD be paying the owner of Pornwikileaks "under the table" to keep the banners and links in place and operational. Mallcom / Jerry Aharony has NOT volunteered the information as to WHO the payee of the Pornwikileaks affiliate account was. Considering how many lives the pornwikileaks project has put in danger (not just of adult performers, but their families and neighbors in some cases as well), one would think that a man, such as Jerry Aharony, who's livelihood DEPENDS upon adult performers, would have a bit more compassion and respect for those affected by such a malicious endeavor.
In my view Mallcom Inc. / Jerry Aharony only cares about continuing to profit from the stress, pain, anxiety, and danger that the PornWikileaks project has manifested.
There has not been a press release or public statement issued by Jerry Aharony / Mallcom in regards to this issue as of current and as to why Mallcom / hasn't blocked the referring URL from the Pornwikileaks venture (as stated could easily be done by Mike of )
My emotional response to "Kelli" in regards to Mallcom / Jerry Aharony on (see comment #11)
I’d like to see Jerry Aharony make a public statement or press release to that affect “Kelli”.
I find it interesting that (on the books at least and we all know how books can be cooked) only $23 dollars was made since he became magically “aware” that PWL was an affiliate.
I know times have changed but according to an article on xbiz here:
the conversions (sales ratios) for some Mallcom affiliates were 1:150
Considering how so many adult studios were essentially in bed with Aharony since 2005 I know exactly why no one has spoken out against Mallcom and frankly it makes me want to vomit.
Tell Aharony to cut the crap and just admit that he supports terrorism, online stalking and bullying, racism, sexism, and homophobia.
I can totally understand why Jerry Aharony quit law school. The loser couldn’t cut it – that’s why the bratty perv just kept working for Daddy in the adult section of his video store.
How in the hell could he ever become an attorney being so “unaware” of such blatant details?
Oh and one more thing – it’s amazing that Jerry Aharony / / Mallcom Inc is so UNAWARE that their banners are still in place on PWL (which is driving quite a bit of traffic STILL to their site – which could have easily been blocked as Mike South pointed out on his blog) yet he (or someone) took the time to THREATEN to sue me from a youtube account called “Pornstarville” which I’d have to say is tied to his company being that he held events back in 2008 called “Pornstarville”.
Here’s the comment on my video (comment was made 1 week ago) I created to bring attention to what Aharony was just so UNAWARE of: