Thursday, October 01, 2015

Perfect For Porn the book - pages 04 - 08 : A discussion on whether or not a career in pornography right for you?

ex pornstar Alexandra aka Monica Foster asks, "Are you plagued by Peter Pan syndrome? Do you take Viagra at the same pace of a garlic love who pops Tic Tacs?"

Alexandra explains that the majority of porn professionals are very immature psychologically and spiritually. In addition she explains how Viagra plays a huge role within the males of the porn industry and how it negatively affects them longterm.

ex pornstar Alexandra aka Monica Foster asks, "Will you be able to live the rest of your life knowing the majority of society will label you as a 'whore' (or a 'sexual predator' if you are a male)?"

Alexandra explains the the reality of entering the porn industry is that upon your exit (even if you've only shot one scene) many people will view you in a negative light for the remainder of your life, regardless of what you do in life afterwards. In otherwords, once you enter the porn industry - your past will haunt your for eternity.

ex pornstar Alexandra aka Monica Foster informs young men and women considering a career in pornography that "If you think wearing Gucci and Prada while living paycheck to paycheck is high class, then you are perfect for porn".

Alexandra explains that though there are tall tales of wealthy pornstars, the reality is that even if you intend to save money while working in porn most likely you won't be able to due to you being lied to about how many bookings you'll receive, unexpected expenses you'll have once you're in the porn industry and the pressure to keep up with the lifestyle your peers are living.

ex pornstar Alexandra aka Monica Foster asks, "Do you feel good about working in an industry that has a legal task force who's mission is to prevent you from using condoms during sex scenes (to protect yourself from STDs)?"

Alexandra explains about how the political face of the porn industry, the Free Speech Coalition, is actively working to prevent pornstars (the porn industry's work force) from being able to adequately protect themselves from deadly sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV (which can lead to AIDS). 

Alexandra further explains how most of today's pornographers routinely put profits above the health and safety of human lives. Alexandra concludes by making it known that unfortunately today's porn industry is primarily comprised of individuals attached to organized crime who are fraudulently labeling themselves as "porn professionals" rather than actual law abiding business owners.

ex pornstar Alexandra aka Monica Foster informs young men and women considering a career in pornography that "If you don't care about humiliating your family and many of your friends, then you are perfect for porn".

Alexandra explains that though the majority of society likes to consider themselves "open minded", in actuality society as a whole looks down upon pornstars (and sex workers in general). The image of the "successful pornstar who's accepted by mainstream society" (such as what Jenna Jameson was presented to be years ago) is not real.

Alexandra further explains that though she doesn't suggest that anyone become a sex worker, if someone were to seriously consider a career as a sex worker - they would be better off electing to work behind closed doors off camera (and only in locations where sex work activity is LEGAL). 

Alexandra concludes by explaining that regardless of how intelligent or talented you are, once you choose to participate in pornographic content, unfortunately everything you do thereafter is diminished in the eyes of today's society.