Wednesday, December 07, 2011

A great piece of advice - courtesy a comment from a recent post on

Eric | December 7, 2011 at 4:47 pm

I’m probably a little older than some of you, so I’ll give you the same advice my father gave me regarding bullies. Kick the shit out of them. Beat them like a rented mule.

This was before the days of some liberal lawyer suing a school district or some gay kid going on TV and telling everybody how he had to change districts.

Kick the shit out of the bully. If you are too small or too afraid, find three or four other small, afraid kids and kick the shit out of the bully. If you are a kid who isn’t being a bully but you see somebody being a bully, kick the shit out of them.

Whine all you want about Facebook and Twitter and how much harder it is now. Bullshit. Kick the shit out of the bully. Worked then, it’ll work now.

What was that advice again?

Kick the shit out of the bully.