*I had a fantastic New Years eve and New Years day. Then I had a GREAT birthday on the 7th. 31 feels pretty good.
*I've been making a point to get out to exercise at least 3 times a week - mainly hiking. This week I'm going to try a different trail west of LA.
*The past couple of days I've had a few overnight house guests (long time friends of mine), which has been an interesting change of my daily flow.
*Between working online, developing my new projects and the surge of activity that I've experienced since the first,I've been really enjoying life's fast pace.
*I need to change the front photos of my website due to the holidays being over. Hopefully I'll get that accomplished by the end of this week, we'll see.
Life feels pretty mellow right now and surprisingly stable - it's a nice state of being to finally have reached.
I'll be on webcam most of the week, so see you online!