Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I decided to rewrite this blog entry being that the last entry I wrote was a bit emotional, irrational, trivial and judgemental.
This 2nd trip out to LA for my "adult video" ventures was totally different from the last. The last trip was all "shiney and sparkly and new" - this trip was full of transitions (which are always difficult). Many doors were opened, some were closed - but overall the trip has been very educational. I've learned even more about the "porn world" than I'd initially cared to know - but I'm glad that I now know. I also learned that I'm not invincible and I'm definitely not always right.
I had some cool opportunities while I was out here this time around. I was forunate enough to be called in to a meeting with Wicked Pictures (thanks Jim!), I also found some work independently through One Model Place - one of my favorite, oldest and best online modeling networks (yep, I'm vintage - #125). I worked with some really creative directors/talent this time in L.A. and hopefully made some more new friends.
I'm up to about scene 12 now.
I'm leaving a few days earlier than I'd anticipated and I really can't wait to get home, however I am looking forward to planning my 3rd trip out here.
I've changed agencies, hopefully the new one I've signed with will be good for me. I've also found that taking care of my own transportation and accomodations is definitely the way to go.
When I get back to Florida, I will be researching everything that I need to, in order to create my own video production/distribution label. I think I'm about 50% of the way there, I just need to get all my business/legal ducks in a row to make it happen.