Friday, June 20, 2008
I think I've managed to nearly give away, or throw away everything in my apartment that I don't plan to take with me on my move across country. Still not totally done, but almost there. It's amazing how much "stuff" a person accumulates yet rarely if ever uses.
The past few weeks since I've been back in Florida have been interesting. When you announce that you're going to move, you definitely learn very quickly who your real friends are opposed to who isn't. You also see the true nature as to why certain people may have tried or will continue to try to stay in your life. Sometimes it's for a good and healthy reason, other times it's not. That's life though...
I'm still not sure exactly what area of Cali I want to settle in. I'm sure God will guide me in the right direction.
I'm about done with adult video for now as a performer. I achieved what I wanted to in that world as a performer, and the content that I have "out there" will only feed into increasing the traffic to my website and camshows which is great. Doing adult video/porn opened my eyes to what else is out there for me - in life as a whole.
As soon as I'm settled in Cali, I'm going to enroll in a beauty/makeup artistry program. I feel like that skill will go well with my photography.
I'm looking forward to working with other performers who want to gain more of an internet presence. That will be fun.
Today I bought a GPS for my upcoming travel, move, and who knows what else. I bought an earlier Garmin model. From what I could see it's pretty comparable to the later models - maybe the maps are a little out of date - who knows.
Looking around my apartment right now I'm starting to realize I have WAY too many electronics, computers and gadgets. Guess I'll always be a nerd.